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in General Factchecking by Newbie (420 points)
Donald Trump’s transition team is delayed in signing critical agreements with the Biden administration, including a mandatory ethics pledge, which are necessary to access briefings and resources to prepare for taking office. National security experts warn that these delays could leave the Trump administration unprepared to govern effectively on Day 1, creating potential vulnerabilities. Despite concerns, Trump’s team claims they are prioritizing Cabinet selections and plan to sign the agreements soon.

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by Novice (740 points)

This claim, by all accounts, seems to be true. The original poster clearly summarized the main points of the article; which is from CNN-- a generally trustworthy new source. To reiterate what was previously stated, Trumps administration team has yet to sign transitional agreements that ensures a smooth and efficient transfer to power when Trump takes office. These agreements are required by law by the Presidential Transition Act, signed in 2020 by Trump when updates to the ethics pledge were made. Many quotes within the source cite other politicians and political experts worries over the trouble the delay in signing could cause; according to them, without the signing, the Trump administration being ready to govern by inauguration is unlikely, and even a threat to national security. The source links some important sources, such as an official letter to Trump from the Jamie Raskin of the House Oversight Committee, warning him of the late signing (linked here: https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/democrats-oversight.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/2024-10-23.JBR%20to%20Trump%20and%20Vance%20re%20transition%20MOUs.pdf). While this source seemed legitimate and many of their claims were properly sourced, I investigated the same claim through a few other news sites, those being NBC, AP News, and NPR, linked here: 




All of which corroborate the delay and the potential issues it poses for the form of the United States government with the upcoming transition of power. In addition, these sources link the same letter of concern from CNN, further verifying its relevance as well. Overalls his claim appears to be true about the Trump Administrations delay in signing due to "continued negotiations", despite the fact that the due date was months ago. All of this, plus the verification from the other well-regarded news sources, points to a real potential point of concern. 

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