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in General Factchecking by Novice (650 points)
Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign paid $1 million to Oprah Winfrey's production company as well as millions to host a series of star-studded election eve concerts.

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by Novice (500 points)
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The article you linked cited their payment claim as coming from a report by the political news outlet, the Washington Examiner (paragraph 2). I was able to find the report (linked below, claim can be found in paragraph 17), but the article has not stated where it got this information from, and states that the Harris campaign has not commented on its finances (paragraph 7). This leads me to believe that there is not enough available information to mark whether this claim in true or false.

As of November 10, 2024, the campaign's spending report has still not been released, although their fundraising data is openly available (I looked at the OpenSecrets summary which I've also linked below) and many claims have not been commented upon by the campaign itself, which furthers my rating of there not being enough available information.

Washington Examiner Report: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential/3222249/how-kamala-harris-plowed-through-1-billion/

Harris Campaign's Fundraising Summary: https://www.opensecrets.org/2024-presidential-race/kamala-harris/candidate?id=N00036915
No available information
by Novice (660 points)
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I too could not find any further information regarding this claim. I like how you thought of going through Harris' campaign fundraising statements to see if that expense would be apparent. I think that release of the data would help answer the claim, and comments from  Harris or her team.
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
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I appreciate how you directly connected your claims to evidence from the article to then come to a final conclusion at the end of your first paragraph. You then used another source to back up your claim to why there is not enough information to confirm or deny the claims. I would also like to just point out how fox news could be a biased source for this because of their right leaning reports and reputation of misinformation regarding left side.

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