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in General Factchecking by Novice (810 points)
Trump was mad with how close the election was looking like it was going to be and he was saying many things about a lot of people including Kamala Harris. He used hateful words or hinted at things that shouldn't be okay.

1 Answer

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by Newbie (340 points)

Here is another article that backs this up. Both cite the New York Times as their source, which is a trustworthy publication.


by Newbie (370 points)
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While I don't disagree with anything in your factcheck, I would suggest that you go to the source of the story and see the actual report by the New York Times in the future. There might be a mis-telling of the story by either the New York Times or the publications that are retelling the story.
by Novice (940 points)
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I think this factcheck could have a lot more in terms of confirmation, while including that New York Times is a trustworthy publication is generally true, any news source can be wrong. In the original article by the New York Times, they cited 7 anonymous sources who were present at the private meeting during which Donald Trump referred to Kamala Harris as a slur. Additionally, by checking the sources, author credibility, and repetition of the news story by other news stories makes your argument that much stronger.
by Innovator (51.1k points)
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How do you rate the claim? True? Always mention it within the fact-check and select a rating. Thanks!

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