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in General Factchecking by Newbie (220 points)

After trying to do some more research on this topic, I found it hard to find any answers, but based off of his liberal online presence. This is hard to believe.

by Newbie (230 points)
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This claim has no credible information and I can't find any other sources discussing this.

4 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
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Best answer
When researching this I was unable to find anything credible, the only people supporting this seem to be people on tiktok and twitter which are not reliable sources of information.
No available information
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by Novice (550 points)
After researching, I cannot find any credible information about this claim. The source is an opinion piece, with no evidence to back up their curiosity. It is dated as well. A comment posted under the source was 10 years ago, which would be in 2014 (not a presidential election year) when Lynch was 18. This makes sense as the source stated, "he is not yet old enough to have voted in any election."
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by Novice (920 points)
After looking at the page you linked, I went ahead and looked it up, and I found a tweet that said "ross lynch and his family being trump supporters was NOT on my 2024 bingo card." However within the comments of that tweet, there seemed to be no concrete evidence that that was true, the only thing being that he and his family follow RFK on twitter. The source attached also didn't have a concrete answer, because it seems like Ross Lynch is fairly apolitical and has never taken a stance on anything.

Link to Tweet: https://x.com/dylanonvinyl/status/1855314517359563107
No available information
by Novice (950 points)
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I thought your answer was very clear and well articulated. I also went through the other source you linked and found that, like you said, there wasn’t any evidence really demonstrating that this could be a fact. Especially for things such as this, twitter can be a very useful source as well. I also appreciated that you mentioned where there could be some confusion where people might take something out of context regarding who he follows.
by (180 points)
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Though this could be a correct claim, there is no direct evidence to back it up unfortunately. The claim that Ross Lynch is a Trump supporter stems from TikTok gossip, not verified facts. Some speculate based on his sister's Instagram likes, which could suggest her support for right-wing politics. However, it's important to remember that this doesn't reflect Ross Lynch's personal beliefs. Ultimately, any conclusions about his political views should be based on his own statements, not assumptions or social media speculation. This is a valuable claim it just can't be proven!
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by Newbie (200 points)
The resource that you provided doesn't seem very reliable to me. The source seems to be kind of an opinion piece and it doesn't state the date it was released, so the information provided seems to be outdated when stating that he was not of age to vote and now he is 28 years old.

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