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in General Factchecking by

Rhesus macaque monkeys broke out out of the Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center On November 6, and by November 10 they had rescued 24 out of the 40 monkeys. Each monkey that has been returned has been given a wellness check to ensure its safety and everything is okay. Alpha Genesis primate research uses the monkeys as non-human primate models to the biomedical research community.

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by Apprentice (1.6k points)
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This claim seems to be true, every source I could find goes into detail about the 24 rescued Rhesus macaque monkeys. One small difference between the claim and the sources is that it was 43 monkeys that originally escaped, not 40. But this is a small detail, everything else about this claim is true.

My sources are linked below.


by Novice (990 points)
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After checking the sources you provided, I can confirm this is a good fact check. Nice job pointing out the small detail between the number of monkeys that originally escaped versus what was reported in the claim.

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