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in General Factchecking by Novice (720 points)
Israeli researchers found that hyperbaric oxygen therapy could improve PTSD in combat veterans. Dr. Marc Siegel discusses mental health in the military and how this treatment could help.

3 Answers

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by Novice (880 points)
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Best answer

I really enjoyed reading the article you attached. I will say it is still in the testing phase but it does seem to have positive effects. In the article I read it states "brain imaging studies show HBOT increases blood flow, which is linked to improved psychological health.". So theoretically it would improve PTSD symptoms because it improves overall mental health. https://mentalhealthcenter.com/hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy/#:text=Additionally%2C%20brain%20imaging%20studies%20show,issues%2C%20depression%2C%20and20anxiety. 

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by Newbie (200 points)

It's astounding that they've found a way to treat PTSD for veterans. However, it's still in the testing stage, and not yet into official treatment. Researchers are ensuring that it doesn't cause additional stress on veterans or have any potentially negative side effects. Here's an article that talks about it: 


by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Although your answer is short it provides all the information needed to verify this claim. Good job! Next time if you summarized or gave more information about what is said in the article, that could strengthen your answer a bit, along with providing more than one exterior source.
by Novice (660 points)
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That's a good resource! I appreciate you including a link to a large news source. I found that not only did your source and the original post's source agree, but also psychiatrist.com agreed! Here is the link to them. Good use of sources.
by Genius (47.4k points)
0 0
Would you rate the claim as true? False? Other? I couldn't quite figure it out based on your fact-check and you didn't select a rating!
by Newbie (280 points)
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I liked that you explained where the treatment was at in its reliability. However, I think your decision on whether or not it is true was unclear and I feel like you could have summarized the article that you found to help back up your point and provide more context.
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by Newbie (340 points)

This is a great breakthrough if proven 100% that it does help. However testing seems to be too new that any definitive claim of effectiveness cannot be made. According to an article in the National Library of medicine, it outlines how this treatment underwent scientific experimentation and came out with the conclusion that "HBOT improved symptoms, brain microstructure and functionality in veterans with treatment resistant PTSD." However in a report by CBS News they explain that "The treatment has been described as unapproved and not proven" and "And this is not only not good, it can be even dangerous." Overall, there appears to be mixed feeling on whether or not this treatment is as magical as it seems.



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