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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (390 points)
I decided to fact-check the claim, “Drinking caffeine can cause headaches”. Before diving into this claim and learning more about it, I can confirm—as someone who used to drink caffeine— that it does give you headaches. This can be from not drinking enough water, which causes dehydration, or maybe not eating enough food before consuming caffeine, affecting how your body tolerates it. What I didn’t know, until reading this article, is that caffeine can help with your headaches and it’s an ingredient in a lot of popular pain relievers. The article also says that “sometimes you can stop head pain in its tracks just by having caffeine”. Since I’ve never drank caffeine for this reason, I had no idea that it could be used for this. This article has more helpful information: "Caffeine helps reduce inflammation. When you have a headache, changes to your blood lead to increased blood flow around your brain… caffeine narrows the blood vessels, which decreases the pressure and eases pain”. What I do know to be true is that caffeine withdrawal headaches are a thing, and they are common. Since caffeine narrows the blood vessels that surround your brain, unless you keep up with your caffeine intake, those blood vessels will just expand again, causing caffeine withdrawal headaches. All of the information in this article was Medically Reviewed so I trust it, and I already knew of some of the claims said in this article, so I believe the claim that “drinking caffeine can cause headaches” is true based on personal experience and new information learned.

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