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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.2k points)
In less than two decades, Earth has tilted 31.5 inches. That shouldn't happen. So why did it?

This article postulates the claim that Earth's rotational pole has altered. Because of strength water has and the large amounts of water being pumped underground, scientists believe that this changes the Earth's rotation and tilt. Additionally, this effects climate change and sea water levels. This article provides evidence to match their claim from many different scientists and NASA. I am not sure whether or not this is a credible source and the internet lacks information from credible sources to support this claim.

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

This is what found. "A study by researchers in South Korea found that the earth has rotated 31.5 inches in past two decades thanks to groundwater pumping". I completely agree with you that yahoo may not be a reliable source. It looks like this is indeed true. This climate change that’s happening is changing a lot of things for our world.

by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Thank you for your comment! It seems like the quote is from USA Today (linked here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/11/25/earth-axis-tilt-change-study/76563167007/#:~:text=From%201993%20to%202010%2C%20the,pumped%20out%20of%20the%20planet.) and that seems like a reliable source. I also wanted to add that NASA says that there is no evidence that the earth has rotated off of its axis enough to impact human life negativly whatsoever. Here is the link for that: https://science.nasa.gov/learn/basics-of-space-flight/chapter2-1/
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by Novice (970 points)
I agree with your claim about yahoo not being credible but the claim itself seems to be true. Climate Change is proving to drastically change our earth. This article by Earth.com is backed by a credited geo source named Geophysical Research Letter explaining the reasoning for this tilt. https://www.earth.com/news/our-everyday-water-use-is-literally-tilting-the-earth/

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