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in General Factchecking by Novice (520 points)
Journalism is a field that is increasingly more difficult to gain access to entry-level jobs to. With the increase of AI, media platforms, fake news and technology, the need for accurate news has decreased. People have been funding journalists less which decreases newsrooms. As these newsrooms contract, the path of journalists die because there are no more vacancies. Journalism isn't entirely dead but is a very large dying art.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)

Overall, I find this claim to be a bit of a generalization. Print media has been on a steady decline since roughly the 1980s (Pew). However, journalism as a whole includes a lot more than just print media, and I think it is important to highlight not only the decline in print but also the shift to other forms of media. Pew Research Center further states, "While most newspapers in the United States are struggling some of the biggest brands are experiencing digital growth." The article you cited includes the following quote, "newsroom employment is down more than 26% since 2008," (Politico). The statement highlights how many news companies are downsizing due to the lack of engagement with their print media. So yes, you are correct in saying that print media is lacking, but overall many media sources are finding ways to expand. Journalism encompasses many other areas such as podcasts, tv, social media, websites, and other creative areas for example the New York Times games, a very profitable source of revenue for NYT. 




Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Newbie (380 points)
1 0
I liked how you cited multiple sources to show that journalism is not dying. I agree that paper media is slowly becoming unpopular with the evolution of the Internet.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
0 0
I agree with your answer that Journalism isn't dying. I like how you provided examples of how news organizations are expanding into new areas like the NYT. Also, the use of many different sources provided your answer with a lot of credibility. The inline Politico citation added another level of analysis to your answer.

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