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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.0k points)
This source mentions that a space hotel will be created for wealthier humans to be able to stay in space.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
It does appear that the company Orbital Assembly has been pushing for the creation of space tourist stations, with a 2023 article from Architectural Digest outlining their plans, with the goal of creating luxury stations in the next few years. However, one thing the linked article above fails to mention is the lack of funding the projects currently have, as the company would need a budget of "upwards of one billion." A CNN article from 2022 also relays the information, bringing the important fact that these ideas and goals have been circulating since 2019, further exemplifying how the project is still merely an idea rather than a set plan. While some articles do say the company is opening as soon as 2025, it's important to note that most articles can't be found later than 2022, and most recent one quote the information stated in the Architectural Digest issue, making it difficult to figure out if the hotels are a set plan or not that is still being carried out.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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It would be great if you cited the sources that you are referencing in your post. This would add to the credibility of your fact-check. You are spot-on with your fact-check in that the claim is exaggerated. To say it is being made vs there's an idea about creating this are two very different things. Good job, nonetheless.

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