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in General Factchecking by
Coffee has caffeine which can help increase your metabolism and help you lose weight.
by Novice (610 points)
1 0
Do you think people have started to create diets that involve large amounts of caffeine in an effort to lose weight?
by Newbie (220 points)
1 0
I agree that there is some truth to your statement. However, it is exaggerated and somewhat misleading because there is truth in the fact that drinking coffee can aide to a faster metabolism; but it does not directly affect weight loss
by Newbie (250 points)
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While fact-checking this, I found the main source of all information within the article to be from the National Library of Medicine, which is a .gov website. Typically, government-operated websites like this are trustworthy, creating this claim's legitimacy, but what I didn't expect is that the website used by the National Library of Medicine is the world's largest medical library operated by the US federal gov.
by Newbie (430 points)
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I can agree with this claim, but aren't their healthier/more beneficial ways of loosing weight? There is definitely a correlation between the two. The increase in metabolism was something new I didn't know about coffee.
by (110 points)
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After reading and fact-checking this claim that Coffee increases your metabolism and helps you burn fat is primarily correct. This articles breaks down how caffeine and other supplements in coffee can increase your metabolic rate. The author also illustrates the science on how coffee breaks down fat and how caffeine works to do so. I believe this article is true because all of there claims are cited from a trusted government websites, pulled from the National Library of Medicine. The author makes a claim that coffee increases your metabolic rate and helps fat loss which they directly back up with a trusted source, so I believe that this claim is true.
by (100 points)
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Agreed, Coffee boosts metabolism due to high caffeine content making you burn fat. It shows how caffeine breaks down and science behind it all. Also went in depth on how to balance caffeine, by incorporating exercise. This article was pulled from the Government National Library so it is trustworthy.
by (100 points)
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After reading through the article I agree that coffee can help with weight loss, the article talked about how caffeine can increase your metabolism and about how coffee helps keep you awake so you can be more active. The article also cited a trusted government website which makes it easier to believe.
by Novice (860 points)
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This is an extremely well-done claim, especially the referenced source. The article is written by a trustworthy author, Kris Gunnars, who has a degree in medicine and also is the founder of Authority Nutrition. The highlight of this source is the multiple references to published articles by scholars, which strengthens how much the words and information weigh. Henry Ford Health also mentioned how caffeine can increase metabolism, and therefore aid with weight loss indirectly.

by Newbie (370 points)
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This article is a good article to use for this claim. The author sites his sources throughly throughout and the key source used is National Library of Medicine, which is a really good website to cite because it is a .org website, ensuring this article is factual:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7369170/ - here is the link to that website.
Looking into other websites and claims, they all share the same information that this article claims: caffeine helps to lose weight. Though I would argue it helps to lose weight mostly because it is an appetite suppressor, not necessarily because it increase's your metabolism.
Overall this is a good claim, I would add in more details to further support it but this is a good website to use to further back it.
ago by (140 points)
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This is a solid and true claim using an article by Healthline which is known to be a reliable source of information. It makes points like the fact that caffeine boosts your metabolism and helps stimulate the nervous system. I found a great article by U.S News and World Report that supports this claim. They wrote about a 2017 study in Iran that women who took 400mgs of a green coffee bean extract pill for eight weeks and kept a low-calorie diet lost more weight than the people who didn't take the pill. It also mentions a study where caffeine had an appetite-reducing effect on men but not women. Both articles show that caffeine does in fact boost metabolism and helps with weight loss. However just consuming caffeine is not going to inherently make you lose weight, you have to also keep a calorie deficit and exercise, and caffeine will help you lose more weight.
Source: https://health.usnews.com/wellness/food/articles/can-coffee-help-me-lose-weight-myths-about-the-coffee-cleanse-diet

26 Answers

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by Novice (620 points)

I agree that the scientific evidence on coffee’s role in weight loss is mixed. However, most studies suggest that coffee can contribute to weight loss by boosting metabolism, promoting fat oxidation, and suppressing appetite. While these effects are generally modest, their impact depends on factors like diet, activity level, and individual response. A review in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition found that caffeine can increase energy expenditure by 3–11%, depending on the dose and the individual. This increase in metabolism may enhance fat oxidation—the process of breaking down fat for energy.  Additionally, research from Harvard’s School of Public Health supports the claim that coffee can aid in weight loss by stimulating the central nervous system, increasing metabolic rate, and promoting fat breakdown. Caffeine may also improve physical performance and endurance, further supporting weight management efforts. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/coffee-beneficial-healthy-diet/


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by Novice (500 points)

The claim of how coffee can help you lose weight is not accurate because it depends on the type of coffee you consume. It is true that coffee can decrease your appetite, curve cravings, boost your metabolism, and help reduce water retention (for some people, not everyone). However, coffee such as black coffee can help since it's low in calories. If you are drinking coffee that has sugar, milk, creamer, sweetener, or syrups then those are calories that are piling up which can give the opposite effect. The more calories added to your daily coffee can cause weight gain. The statement that was made was misleading since this claim isn't true to all coffee beverages. Another thing to consider when wanting to lose weight is that coffee is not a key element to weight loss. It can be added to the list of what you want to adjust in life within your fitness journey but shouldn't be the only thing to reply on. The first link below goes into detail of the benefits for coffee. The second link dives a bit deeper into how coffee affects weight along with the overall effect of caffeine to a person, speaking of the advantages and disadvantages. Giving advice about weight loss and what to look out for. 


How Does Coffee Affect Weight? - Weight loss - Weight gain - Coffee tips - Bottom line

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (300 points)

Coffee can help you lose weight - if you do it correctly. Supposedly two weeks on and two weeks off is the most efficient way to use coffee to lose weight according to Healthline. This works because of the chemicals in the coffee beans such as caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, and chlorogenic acid. Caffeine keeps people awake which causes them to do 11-12% more exercise since they are awake longer. These chemicals also release epinephrine which is associated with adrenaline. When it travels through your system it signals fat tissues to breakdown. Healthline also said that coffee helps increase your metabolic rate which means food breaks down easier (you can eat more without gaining weight). As I mentioned, the way to take advantage of coffee's properties  is to go on and off for 2 weeks at a time. This is because you build up a tolerance to caffeine's effects. 

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by Newbie (460 points)
I think there is good information in the article, however it is slightly misleading because while coffee is not the direct culprit of weight loss it contains caffeine which is. The article states caffeine can increase metabolic rate and energy. It states caffeine can increase exercise performance by 16%, which in turn helps lose weight.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Novice (500 points)
The claim that coffee helps you lose weight is true due to the fact that caffeine, the chemical compound in coffee, increases the natural hormone your body produces called epinephrine aka adrenaline. Adrenaline flows through your blood causing a hyper activity type of effect and also burns fat. caffeine can also speed up your metabolism. So the claim that coffee helps burn fat is true to an extent, it effects different people in different ways.

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This statement is true. Coffee does have caffeine which is a stimulant that raises metabolism. According to Healthline, caffeine also sends information to the nervous system to breakdown fat. Raising your metabolism and breaking down fat are both ways that weight-loss occurs.


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• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
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• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
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