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in General Factchecking by Newbie (340 points)
An article from Mayo Clinic explains the benefits from using Vitamin C, such as speeding up the recovery process from common cold symptoms. However, this is limited to an extent. The article explains that while Vitamin C "doesn't prevent you from getting a cold", there's some "limited research that additional Vitamin C might speed up the recovery process slightly in some people", according to Dr. Jesse Bracamonte, a family physician for Mayo Clinic.

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by Newbie (380 points)
Upon looking at another source from the National Library of Science, similar research was concluded that consuming Vitamin C can aid recovery time upon getting a cold. This article states that it, "decreased severity and duration of colds when vitamin C is consumed at doses at or above 0.2 g/day, it is most reasonable for patients to obtain this from their diet, considering supplementation did not decrease the overall incidence of colds in the general population." Therefore, stating that it isn't a prevention tool, nor something that once taken can rely on to cure or keep common colds away.

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