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in General Factchecking by Newbie (270 points)

When combined with proper sleep, studying at night can provide benefits such as fewer interruptions, improved attention, and greater memory consolidation. However, the efficiency of nighttime studying is determined by individual aspects such as chronotype, energy levels, and sleep quality. While AI tools can improve study sessions, the risks of sleep deprivation and restricted social interaction must be considered. Ultimately, the ideal way is to tailor your study plan to your specific habits and needs.


1 Answer

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by Newbie (360 points)

Personally, I think studying at night is a better method for a lot of people. It helps to ingest information right before you go to sleep so you can think about it and process it.

by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Your "answer" isn't quite an answer and I think would have been better suited for a comment instead. You haven't really provided an answer so much as another claim. You're speaking strictly from personal experience, you don't have any sources to back up your claim. I think if you were able to find a source to back up what you're saying your comment would be more compelling.

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