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in General Factchecking by Newbie (360 points)
CBS News states that this weekend, a snowstorm hit New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. CBS News is a known and reliable news source that has been around since 1927. The article shows pictures of the snowfall with dates and time stamps and recorded forecasts saying that the snowfall will continue to increase. With the holidays around the corners this puts multiple travelers in danger. The statement in the title matches what the news content page discusses. If you look up this recent event up multiple news sources like USA Today and ABC News also addressed the snowfall. Therefore, the information from all three articles align and this does seem to be proven true.
by Novice (750 points)
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Hi! I do agree with your claim and really appreciate all the strenuous detail you went into. I don't believe a ".com" website is the most reliable source to drive from!

1 Answer

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by Novice (880 points)
This claim is true! Your verification of the credibility of the source and your cross referencing of the information in multiple different news networks made your claim most likely true. This snowfall is potentially dangerous to people who are unprepared for such weather.

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