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the covid 19 vaccine may cause breast cancer
ago by (100 points)
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My Claim after Fact Checking: After reading both of these articles by cancer.org and breastcancer.org it is explained that having breast cancer can weaken the covid 19 vaccine but in no way does the covid vaccine lead to breast cancer. The claim is that Covid vaccines cause breast cancer and there is just simply no evidence to that and it has actually been disproven.


9 Answers

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by Novice (730 points)
Breast cancer cannot be caused by a COVID-19 vaccine.

This article mentions that immunocompromised people may require additional vaccines due to having a weakened immune system from processes such as chemotherapy.

The article attached explicit: "There’s no evidence linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer. Both the U.S. National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society report there’s no information that COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer. There’s also no evidence that suggests the vaccine can make cancer grow or come back (recur)."

The claim that "The [COVID-19] vaccine may cause breast cancer" by the original poster is blatantly disproven by the attached article.

This is also disproven by a different article written by American Cancer Society linked below:

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim of this post is false. In one section of the listed article (Can a COVID-19 vaccine affect mammogram results?), the evidence provided doesn't support the authors claim either- stating that the lymph nodes in the armpits can swell after vaccination and feel as if the patient has breast cancer which can lead to a false positive situation for diagnosis. An academic article published by the ScienceDirect journal goes further in detail as to why this phenomena may occur. The scientists tested six patients ranging from 61 to 75 in age, each with a previous history of breast cancer, and having recently gotten a COVID-19 vaccine; with the lymph node 'tumors' being in positive correlation with where the injection site of vaccine was (and negative correlation of where the patient's previous cancer was). 

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0093775421000695?via%3Dihub

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ago by Newbie (230 points)

This claim is false. The article that is linked in the authors posts states quite the opposite: "There’s no link between the COVID vaccines and breast cancer risk or developing breast cancer." They suggest people with immunocompromised to may have to have additional vaccines because of their immune systems being weakned by chemotherapy.


Here is another article disaprovving the authors claim. They recommened cancer patients to take the Covid-19 vaccines and stay updated. Some patients may have to postpone a vaccine due to some cancer treatments wiping out their immune system.Doctors recommend if patient has breast cancer or a history of breast cancer to be vacccined on the opposite side.


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
edited ago by

This claim is false. There is no evidence that suggests the COVID vaccine causes breast cancer.

The article that is linked does not support this claim and specifically mentions that breast cancer is not linked with the COVID vaccine. In fact, It mentions that if you have breast cancer, you should update your COVID vaccine to protect yourself from the virus.

 Although, it does mention that "If you’ve received treatment for breast cancer, and especially if you’ve had underarm lymph nodes removed, you could experience lymphedema or worsening of lymphedema as a side effect of a COVID vaccine.", but to lower this risk, you can ask to get the vaccine injected elsewhere and it's important to consult your other on where the vaccine can be injected. The CDC also has listed on their website that they reccommend the vaccine for anyone with a weak immune system and when and where to get vaccinated.

 “Staying up to Date with Covid-19 Vaccines.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/covid/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html. Accessed 3 Feb. 2025.

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ago by Newbie (220 points)

This claim is false. The article linked does not state that the vaccine might cause breast cancer. The article says, "There’s no evidence linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer". It is explained that the U.S National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society report no information that connects breast cancer and the vaccine. 

Another source that proves this claim is false is: https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/covid-vaccine-lymph-node-breast-cancer

In this article, they say that the vaccine does not cause breast cancer but may "Swollen lymph nodes, like Moseley experienced, are instead a common side effect of vaccination that can remind you to check your breasts." Swollen lymph nodes can be a side effect after getting the vaccine, which might remind women to get a mammogram. However, there is no correlation between the results and getting a vaccine. The article explains that swollen lymph nodes are not a sign of breast cancer. 

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

"There is no link between the Covid 19 vaccine and breast cancer risk or developing breast cancer". This person used a source that makes that exact claim, it also says that the CDC suggests everyone over the age of 6 months get the covid vaccine. The article does mention a few side effects such as headache, chills, fever, tiredness, etc. None of those side effects seem nearly as detrimental as breast cancer.  

Source: https://www.breastcancer.org/managing-life/staying-well-during-covid-19/vaccine-facts

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The COVID-19 vaccine will not cause breast cancer. The article linked in the original author's post has a line in the first paragraph proving this claim to be false. "There’s no link between the COVID vaccines and breast cancer risk or developing breast cancer."

Another article from UCLA Health, states that doctors found no correlation between the COVID-19 vaccine and breast cancer. They did find that it can affect mammogram results, but that is because a side effect of the vaccine is swollen lymph nodes, which is used to help identify cancerous cells.



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ago by (140 points)
The claim that the Covid-19 vaccinaion may cause breast cancer is false. The article linked even mention that the Covid-19 vaccination may potentially require more vaccinations if the patient has a weak immune system. Which it brings up the fact that people going through breast cancer treatment will go through treatments such as chemotherapy which weaken the immune system.

The factcheck attached to this answer states the following: "There is no evidence to support a link between COVID-19 vaccines and cancer. Both the National Cancer Institute and American Cancer society have stated there is no information that suggests COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer."

There is no evidence that proves that the Covid-19 vaccination causes cancer and is not only proven by the article attached to the post, but also proven by cancer foundations in the United States.

Fact check post:
American Cancer Society post:
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ago by Newbie (360 points)

The claim "Covid vaccines cause breast cancer" is false. According to breastcancer.org, "While the Covid vaccine may cause mild side effects such as headaches, fever, chills, and joint pains that don't last for more than a couple days, There’s no evidence linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer. Both the U.S. National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society report there’s no information that COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer. There’s also no evidence that suggests the vaccine can make cancer grow or come back (recur)."

Source: https://www.breastcancer.org/managing-life/staying-well-during-covid-19/vaccine-facts#


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