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The claim that aluminum-containing antiperspirants cause cancer is a myth that has been debunked in the minds of doctors and scientists says @OSUWexMed dermatologist Susan Massick, MD.

1 Answer

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by Novice (690 points)
Even though Aluminum has a bad reputation for its toxicity, there is no direct connection to high levels of aluminum in the system and people having cancer. According to the American cancer society a study was done to see how much aluminum is actually absorbed when antiperspirants are used. It was recorded that only 0.012% was absorbed. It was also found that cancer tissue such as breast cancer tissue doesn't contain more aluminum than normal breast tissue which concluded that there is no clear link between antiperspirants containing aluminum and cancer making the claim made true.

by Newbie (340 points)
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Good job linking to a high quality source that directly relates to your fact checking.

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