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in General Factchecking by
Most people are told that going outside in the cold with little clothes or being wet is an easy way to catch a sickness, well this claim is actually wrong in many ways. while the cold weather doesn't cause a sickness like a cold or flu, you can still get frostbite or hypothermia. meaning technically that the cold doesn't directly cause one to get the flu but other things like hypothermia can lead to low immune system and therefore cause at risk for getting the cold or flu.
by (100 points)
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No, you can't directly get sick from being cold. Cold weather itself doesn't cause illnesses like colds or the flu. However, prolonged exposure to cold can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. Additionally, cold conditions can lead to frostbite or hypothermia, which are serious health risks. So, while cold alone isn't the cause of sickness, it can increase your vulnerability to illness.

by Newbie (320 points)
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I think that your source is good and the claim is somewhat strong. I think that you are missing how the cold leads to sickness, if you are out in the cold your immune system is ultimately vulnerable to being exposed to more viruses due to weakness.
by Newbie (230 points)
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I agree with your claim, but in reality, a cold can lead to sickness, not just because it's cold but because the cold weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

From looking at this article and a few others, I think the claim that "you can't sick from the cold" is a little misleading. The article notes that viruses ultimately cause you to get sick, so that does support the claim, but also there is evidence that the cold can make you more vulnerable to illness. Another article from Northwestern Medicine I found says that dry winter air makes it easier for viruses like the flu to spread. The cold can also lower your immune system and make it harder for you to fight off viruses. So while just goin outside in the cold won't make you get sick, it can definitely make you more vulnerable to the spread of viruses.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Apprentice (1.0k points)
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This is a great fact check. I like how you gave some credit to the original poster about not being entirely wrong but also how it's not fully true either. I also like how you included your own source and linked it to back up the fact check.

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