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in General Factchecking by Novice (600 points)
Shaedon Sharpe has flown under the radar for the casual NBA fan due to his injury history and his only chance to get high usage in prior seasons was when Portland was full on tanking. Most people saw the 30-5-5 performances and didn't raise an eyebrow because they knew he had no one else good playing. However, this season, he is getting back from another injury and had back-to-back 30 point games earlier this season. Now averaging 18-3-2, is Shaedon the cornerstone the Blazers have to build around?

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
This cannot be fact checked because it is not a claim and there can be no facts to prove predicting the future. Nobody can predict the future so it is simply guess work whether or not he will be an All-NBA player or not. The source used here is also just a forum page with a public poll where anybody can put their opinion on it which makes it highly unreliable. No facts are used here and there is no knowing whether or not this is true or false because it hasn't happened yet.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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