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in General Factchecking by Newbie (330 points)
I found this claim on TikTok a couple weeks ago after aliens were argued to be found in the ocean. The TikTok stated "The government randomly once a year tells us aliens exist and now there's aliens in the ocean...(now we know why NASA switched to studying space)" by @bigoljessica on TikTok. This is a theory that has existed for years, as I searched this topic into TikTok and "NASA theory" popped up.

1 Answer

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by Novice (930 points)
This is an interesting speculation considering we have explored more of space than our very own ocean. I also find it intriguing how most oceanic tragedies, like the Titanic, are only theories because the ocean is so vast and treacherous for there to have been any witnesses. Folklore and mythology speaks prevalently of oceanic monsters, as well as UFO's. Now that aliens have been confirmed by NASA, I believe fiction may be more non-fiction than we are willing to let on
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Newbie (380 points)
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I agree with your fact-check. The claim is mostly speculation but it is based on theories and the idea that there is so little that we know about space and the depths of our oceans.

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