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in General Factchecking by Newbie (270 points)
The paper offers an interesting and convincing examination of plant activities that go against conventional ideas of intelligence and communication. Supported by a wealth of data, it provides an accurate description of how plants interact, protect themselves, and adjust to environmental hazards via chemical signals, sound, and even fungal networks. The idea that plants display complex, adaptive behaviors is strengthened by the study of plant learning and memory, including the habituation observed in Mimosa pudica. Although scientists disagree on the definition of "intelligence," the data shows that plants have complex systems for reacting to their surroundings, albeit in ways different from those of mammals. All things considered, the paper effectively communicates the extraordinary powers of plants without exaggerating the data or delving into pseudoscience.

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by Novice (560 points)

This article is true as it is a reliable scientific blog and have multiple credible university researchers and studies backing up the claim. However, although every link in this article is certified research, it is research that is somewhat outdated as most of it is conducted and written at least a decade ago.


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