This article is from The Ohio State University medical center, which is likely to be a credible source, coming from an established educational institution. In this article, the author says that while this claim is not backed by many researchers due to lack of random controlled experiments, it originated from acupuncture techniques that indicates the earring can act as a pressure point on a certain part of the ear that helps with migraines. This method is a nonconventional approach/alternative medicine in comparison to medical treatment of migraines. Similar pain treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal, and massage therapy are not supported by medical studies, but are used by many people to alleviate discomfort. Therefore, getting this piercing to treat pain is not supported by science and medical professionals, but can be a method that people turn to based on personal experience. These methods of pain relief are not replacements for medically based treatment, but can be helpful.