The claim that seed oils are bad for us is true depending on a person's diet. Based on the article listed and other articles I read, seed oils are commonly processed and mainly in processed food. Specifically in the article it mentions the claim of seed oils being poisonous which again isn’t true, but constant consumption of seed oils and its products could lead towards negative health issues. Eating a balanced diet that doesn’t include heavily processed foods will make a person become healthier. Eating a high diet of processed food isn’t very good for a person and will negatively impact their health. After reading different articles I found that seed oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids which your body needs, but too much of omega-6 fatty acids leads to body inflammation which could eventually cause things like heart disease, diabetes, and potentially even a stroke. Seed oil consumption in moderation isn’t going to result in an immediate negative impact, but constant seed oil consumption within processed food will lead down a bad path. By fully cutting out seed oils, a person is basically cutting out processed food which of course in return would make a person's lifestyle healthier, and there are also other different types of cooking oils that could be used as well. Seed oils are commonly used in cooking besides processed foods, but as mentioned earlier using a cooking oil like avocado oil will make a person healthier. Overconsumption of seed oils is bad, but eating seed oils once in a while is perfectly fine. It even mentions consumption of seed oils in moderation in the article listed in the claim.