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in General Factchecking by Novice (810 points)
Only a miracle can save Barnier. There doesn’t seem to be one on the horizon. Unless a miracle occurs.

1 Answer

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by Newbie (400 points)

Politico is a trusted political news site, and this article about the French prime minister, Michael Barnier, is written by Clea Caulcutt, a French senior correspondent who has a background in political reporting and Giorgio Leali, a policy reporter who is based in Paris. To back up the claim that "the French prime minister will likely fall this week," the authors included quotes from the opposing National Rally leader Marie Le Pen and evidence of Barnier's attempt to controversially force a financing bill into law, both indicating that that the prime minister will likely lose the vote of no confidence occurring later this week. Though the subhead of the article, reading "only a miracle can save Barnier," could be seen as slight editorializing, there is substantial evidence throughout the article to support the claim, therefore making this article true.

by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Good fact check! It does look like the claim is true, though the statement is editorialized and not phrased the best. You used 5 links to resources in it, which I appreciate - that's valuable information. Do you think there could be a better way to phrase the claim? Perhaps that the French prime minister will likely lose this week?

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