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in General Factchecking by Novice (690 points)
This article claims that Belly fat is linked to signs of Alzheimer's 20 years before the symptoms occur.

2 Answers

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by Newbie (400 points)

Starting off, CNN news is well regarded as a credible source of news. The author focus on the research of a single source, Dr. Cyrus Raji who is a professor of radiology at Washington University. As context, the author also includes statistics relevant to said research from the World Health Organization and the Cleveland Clinic, both linked in the article. The perspective of another expert is also brought in, as the author quotes preventative neurologist Dr. Richard Isaacson, who was not involved in Dr. Raji's research, as a source of verification. The I would say that there is substantial evidence to back up the claim that "belly fat is linked to signs of alzheimer's disease 20 years before the symptoms occur," as the article details a direct correlation between the amount of belly fat present in an individual and the presence of beta amyloid and tau in the brain's memory center, an early sign of the disease developing far before a diagnosis occurs. Not misinformation.

by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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I think you provided good background not only on the news source but also on the professor on the study, so good job for that. I appreciate you linking exterior sources as well instead of relying on one.
by Novice (850 points)
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I thought your fact check was very insightful, and I think that CNN is a very reliable source to back up this claim as well. I would just suggest another source since CNN, like any other media, can have agendas and preconceived opinions. It is important to have multiple points of view on a situation.
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by Newbie (470 points)
This claim is true. CNN is a well-known established institution that has a solid reputation for factual reporting. Additionally, they cite their sources within the article. When checked, every article was retrieved from a medical institution or an actual doctor. This is generally a good sign. The article was not conclusive about a causation between belly fat and brain decay but it did strongly indicate a link rendering the claim to be true.

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