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in General Factchecking by Innovator (50.9k points)
Israel's former Prime Minister, Menahem Begin, said "Our race is the master race. We are divine gods on this planet...In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best."

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by Novice (570 points)
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This is ridiculously false. The link provided literally just shows a graphic. After looking on the internet for any record of Prime Minister Menachem Begin saying this I have found nothing. Here is a link that does a great job at showing the investigative process, ultimately debunking this claim. This definitely comes from a pro-Israel source trying to prove that this statement never existed. However, basically this article is highlighting how an anti-Israel person did the opposite, investigative reporting trying to prove that the statement was true. This person failed miserably. The person posted a very thorough research analysis that concluded the statement was indeed true due to the fact that the original article (from the New Statesman by Amnon Kapeliouk) that the statement was allegedly in was not found, but journalists like Franklin Lamb, who knew the author of the article (Kapeliouk)(Kapeliouk is dead and can not be used a resource) have supposedly referred to the article and the quote in the same breath. After posting this the anti-Israel person had to make an edit, as Franklin Lamb himself reached out saying that he did not have the article and did not cite this alleged quote from it. Another final edit was made after finding the article in contention and it did not have this quote. Therefore there is no evidence of this quote! 


This whole article from israellycool.com could potentially be made up, but even if it was, there is still no evidence of this quote from Prime Minister Menachem Begin being true.  


by Innovator (50.9k points)
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Did Menachem Begin really say “Our Race is the Master Race”?

Fact-checked: False.

There is no evidence to support this claim. Isreallycool.com stated that the quote must have come from somewhere. But there is no basis to think the words were spoken by Begin.


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