2 Answers

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by Newbie (340 points)
Yes, the Walt Disney Company announced they were cutting ties with Will Smith a while back. This axes a franchise worth around 1 Billion. This was done around March of 2024.

ago by (180 points)
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Why did you use this source? Did you find it credible? When looking at this source and similar ones when trying to fact-check, I found that this one did not seem to have any substantial evidence that supported it.
ago by Newbie (210 points)
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Is this a credible source? Not only is the site rampant with ads (meaning their main goal is not to inform, but rather to generate revenue and gain a profit) but this site is centered around the dining experience(s) at Walt Disney parks as opposed to any substantial information about Disney as a corporation or their practices.
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ago by (180 points)

There is no evidence that supports the claim, that Will Smith is the reason that there will not be an Aladdin 2. There have also not been any claims from a reliable source stating that Disney has cut ties with Will Smith at all. All other websites that make claims like this, are very similar to the one that is being used. There is no real evidence behind any of the claims. The majority of these articles also have the same exact headline, somewhat looking like they all just copied and pasted very similar ideas to one another. It does seem to be true that there will not be an Aladdin 2. The main actor who portrays Aladdin, Mena Massoud, has stated that there is very little chance that a sequel will actually get made on his social media. It is overall reasonable to think that there will not be an Aladdin two but the idea that it is because Will Smith got cut, or the idea that Will Smith is removed from Disney at all do not have any real evidence to back them up. 



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