1 Answer

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by Newbie (360 points)
Minecraft is not being used to proliferate Satanism. Minecraft has done nothing in particular to back up this claim and the article lists no evidence outside of hearsay from a few pastors. Video games have been a target of religion in the past with the Satanic Panic of the 1980's which was even referenced in this article. The article generalizes all gamers with the unverified words of very few to scare readers. This article was very similar to other fear mongering tactics that came up when researching the Satanic Panic of the 1980's with many accusing Doom, Dungeons and dragons and rock music of having Satanic messaging.

by (140 points)
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Bringing up past instances and providing an article that involves factual debunking about video games being targets is very helpful. To further add to your answer, the article used by the original claim was published in 2017 which is long outdated as Mojang has expanded its game since then. I also wasn't able to find other articles that involve videogames such as Minecraft proliferating Satanism, the claim itself is more of a personal religious belief than it can be thoroughly discussed due to the limited articles on it. I do wish that there were more articles discussing this claim but as of now, there are only two and both of them have been used here.

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