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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.1k points)
The Australian Friends of Palestine Association's effort to block an Israeli team from the 2025 International Cycling World Tour, including the Santos Tour Down Under, has failed.

2 Answers

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by Novice (660 points)
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Best answer
Although your claim is true, it would have been better if you used the article featured in the BlueSky post, rather than just the BlueSky post itself. The article states: "the Israeli branded team, Israel-Premier Tech, will definitely be racing in the 2025 Tour Down Under in Adelaide." It is safe to say that the Australian Friends of Palestine Association failed.

Article: https://johnmenadue.com/pedalling-for-israel-is-peddling-genocide/
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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I think this is a solid fact check, as you identified that this claim isn't very credible, but I think you could go a little more in-depth on researching the claim to provide evidence on why it's true.
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ago by Newbie (220 points)
Even though your claim is true it's kind of just copied and pasted. The reason they want to keep the Israeli team from participating is of great importance and should have been added into the context of the post. There is a little more context in the link I provided on why they don't want the Israel team to participate.

Article: https://johnmenadue.com/campaign-to-keep-israeli-cycling-team-out-of-tour-down-under/

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