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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
LGBTQ should be banned.

8 Answers

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by Novice (730 points)
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Best answer
Hi! Your claim here appears to actually be an opinion based statement rather than a factual based statement. Your source, as well, appears to be social media site with very little factual validity. Your protesting statement is also somewhat unclear: Are you against LGBTQ as a social movement? Or perhaps against the identity of sexuality? If so, why do you feel this way? What is your evidence that has brought you to this conclusion? Furthermore, I would encourage you to consider that "banning" LGBTQ individuals is a violation of human rights protected in the Equality Act (1974), as well as ethically problematic as this would be "banning" a group of people based on their identity.


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Newbie (390 points)
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Completely agree. Every critic you pointed out was spot on.
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
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I like that you started by stating that this claim cannot be proven true or false because it is an opinion and that you included resources and information about discrimination, the Equality Act and civil rights to provide knowledge that may encourage someone with this opinion to reevaluate. Great "fact" check!
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by Journeyman (3.3k points)
This is an opinion linking a deleted bluesky post. Additionally, this opinion encourages hate towards marginalized communities. As being Lgbtq is part of one’s identitiy, “banning” it would be a logical fallacy
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Novice (540 points)

This opinion-based statement holds a very negative view towards the LGBTQ+ community, encouraging discrimination towards a group of people. The source posted with it has been deleted, but seems to come from a social media website, making it more subjective than factual. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and gender identity in covered health programs or activities. Additionally, being a part of the LGBTQ+ community is not a choice, but actually an identity you are born with. According to Andrea Rinaldi with the National Library of Medicine, "Among the many mechanisms that have been proposed to explain same‐sex attraction, exposure to 'atypical endocrine conditions' during prenatal development, is probably the one that has the widest consensus." Discriminating against this group of people would be like discriminating against a certain race, women, or even socioeconomic classes. It would violate human rights, and the diversity our nation claims to uphold, to "ban" the LGBTQ+ community. 



Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Newbie (340 points)
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I really like the clarification that this is not only an opinion but also a harmful sentiment. The sources are credible and the quote is educational and spot-on. I also like the examination of credibility of the source as well as the credibility of the opinion itself.
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by Newbie (360 points)

This factcheck is checking not a fact check at all and opinion based. Regardless is you agree wit the topic or not you have to have respect for human life and should treat people as you would like to be treated. The “self-evident truth” of human equality meant that humans had equal natural rights, equally gave their consent to create a republican government, had equal dignity, and were equal under the law.

Throughout history, most societies were either monarchies, aristocracies, or despotisms. 


No available information
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by Novice (760 points)
Not a true fact its an opinion based statement. Saying LGBTQ+  should be banned is trying to  get rid of a broad ranging community which is very big in the Untied States. Without giving fact based reasons oin why it should be banned then it become sa fact based statement rather than a biased opinion one. Why do you think they should be banned ? is it going against your ideology , if so that's not a reason to want to ban a certain group because they don't go along with your ideology banning a certain group. Has to come with a reason and that reason has to be harming other individuals due to this or ruining the system which the government is based. The LGBTQ+ community is protected by the law its constitutional.
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by Newbie (300 points)

I feel like this is opinionated and people should be able to like or love who they want and choose to. I know it’s morally wrong and in the Bible this isn’t allowed but nowadays people are entitled to their own feelings. 


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

hi there, 

this is not true and an opinion that you have that is also not true. your source is from a bluesky post that has been deleted.  bluesky is not a reputable source because anyone can say almost anything on that app at any time. the post has also been deleted. this is a hateful claim that has nothing but discriminatory beliefs to back it up. lgbtq people have been told they shouldn't exist for centuries upon centuries. lgbtq people should be allowed to live their own lives without being told that they are an abomination. "United Nations human rights treaty bodies have confirmed that sexual orientation and gender identity are included among prohibited grounds of discrimination under international human rights law,"according to the Political Youth Network. 


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This statement is an opinion, and therefore cannot be true or false. However I am unable to find evidence supporting this statement either. However, here are some sources stating why restricting LGBTQ rights is a human rights issue.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.