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ago by Newbie (370 points)
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During the Jan. 6 riots, federal agents acted as provocateurs, and the Capitol's security measures were intentionally compromised from within.
ago by (140 points)
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I think that the claim that federal agents acted as provocateurs isn't an accurate or truthful claim. I was wondering why you used bsky posts instead of an article or source since those might have more trustworthy information? Since there aren't any specific articles I could find that say the same information, it might be better to find more accurate claims for the post.

2 Answers

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ago by Newbie (210 points)

This claim is very inaccurate, with little, if any, accurate support.  When looking at the linked source, it is just a social media post that has always seemed to be false information and more opinionated than actual truthful facts.  The source used also doesn't have any information that directly supports the claim being made and is just a video of the riot with no federal agents in the frame.  The comments on the post also didn't provide any evidence or speak about the fact that federal agents could have been involved. Additionally when looking up the topic the only reliable websites that talked about the riot claim that federal agents were indeed there to help and not trying to sabotage the event.  Here is a link to a special agent who recounts the events of that day which gives more insight into what was occurring. https://www.justice.gov/d9/peterson_kurt_-_statement_of_facts_redacted_1_0.pdf

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ago by Newbie (200 points)

The claim that during the Jan. 6 riots, federal agents acted as provocateurs, and the Capitol's security measures were intentionally compromised from within is false. The link that you provided is to a video clip from Bluesky, which is a social media app which is not a reliable source and has no proof of your claim to be true. When researching one of the few reliable sources I could find said thatThe report from the Justice Department inspector general’s office knocks down a fringe conspiracy theory advanced by some Republicans in Congress that the FBI played a role in instigating the events that day, when rioters determined to overturn Republican Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss to Democrat Joe Biden stormed the building in a violent clash with police.” There is no evidence that federal agents acted as provocateurs. The only thing that federal agents were doing was trying to stop the attackers.


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