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by Journeyman (3.9k points)
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Michelle Obama is Michael Robinson Obama (a man).


Michelle Obama AKA
Michael Robinson Obama= legal name.

His 84 yr old Mother died & she left it all to her SON MICHAEL ROBINSON.

@MichelleObama =

11 Answers

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by Novice (790 points)
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Best answer

This claim is satire. The site this originated from has a disclaimer stating, "Obamawatcher.com is a subsidiary of the “America’s Last Line of Defense” network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes called it before they lost their war on satire: Junk News". There is also an article from AP news debunking this as well, explaining the original website this claim started from. Therefore it is not true that Michelle Obama is a man, and it was all satire.



by Apprentice (1.1k points)
1 0
I appreciate that you used AP news as well to support your claim that Obamawatcher.com is a satire website and is full of false claims.
ago by (160 points)
0 0
Thank you for breaking this down. It is so important to verify information before spreading it, especially when satire and misinformation can look convincing at first glance. Sites like Obamawatcher.com intentionally create fake stories for entertainment, but many take them seriously without realizing it. Fact-checking sources like AP news and Snopes help us separate truth from fiction, preventing harmful rumors from spreading.
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by Newbie (360 points)

This article was published in 2019 on a blog called Obama Watcher. The site has a disclaimer that everything on it is false and it is satire here. So this claim is not true and was made up!

by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
When fact checking a claim it is best to not only use the website you are fact checking but to also use other sources. For this claim AP News and Reuters had great articles to help out.
by Newbie (300 points)
0 0
This fact check goes to show that what sources you choose to use matter alot and you should always look at multiple different websites to find the most unbaised one before making a claim
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by Apprentice (1.6k points)
The claim that Michelle Obama is actually Micheal Robinson Obama is false and satire. The claim came from a user using bluesky, who posted that "Michelle Obama aka Micheal Robinson Obama= legal name, His 84 yr old Mother died & she left it all to her SON MICHEAL ROBINSION." and then @'s Michelle. This post included a screenshot from what appears to be an article, but Its actually from an archived website called obamawatchers.com which is a satire or parody website meant to make false or "junk news."
by Novice (990 points)
0 0
This factcheck is effective and goes into detail to describe how the original source is false. When fact-checking, using sources is important, especially to back up your argument. I'd link one or two up next time.
by Newbie (300 points)
0 0
The fact check you provided did a great job at immediately telling why this was satire and false. Blogs are not credible resources and you showed that in your answer. I would add a source in the future just to further show the credibility of your answer.
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by Novice (760 points)

This claim is entirely false and is a long-debunked conspiracy theory. Michelle Obama was born Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois. There is no credible evidence that she was ever named "Michael Robinson" or that she is a man. Public records, biographies, and extensive media coverage confirm her identity as a woman. The claim that Michelle Obama's mother left an inheritance to a "son named" Michael is also false. Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, was alive as of recent public appearances, and there is no record of such an event. This claim originates from misinformation spread online and has no basis. 

This Yahoo article alone falsifies the claim. 


by Novice (520 points)
0 0
You've done a good job at debunking this baseless rumor and conspiracy theory. I would recommend looking into who posted the content so as to get a better look into why the content is being posted. I looked more into who posted the false claim it was TechGuru1 and found that this person has lots of rage bait post about liberals and about supporting trump and using a bit of hate speech. The tech guru guy post a lot of satire and misinformation. I like the way that you pointed out how Michelle Obama's identity and been thoroughly documented through public records and credible sources.
ago by Newbie (310 points)
0 0
Well done addressing the false and satirical claims upright. This is obviously a humorous rumor people saw and ran with regaurdless of its baseless claim. I like the way you used facts and numerous evidence pieces.
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by Novice (860 points)
This claim is false and posted by a news satire site, Obama Watchers. On their About Us page, they state, "Everything on this website is fiction. It is not a lie and it is not fake news because it is not real. If you believe that it is real, you should have your head examined."

It appears that this original conspiracy theory was started by comedian Joan Rivers in 2014 in a New York bookstore. Since then, the claim has been debunked, although far-right conspiracy theorists still circulate this narrative


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by Novice (760 points)

The article comes from a page called "Obama watcher." It's satire and targets this individual; the page is just a parody and was debunked no information has been proven true, and the page is. The right-wing conservatives have made this up to make the left side look bad in the American eyes and to humiliate these people. It was debunked by the AP news. 


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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

The claim is false. The source you used is BlueSky where anyone is able to share content that can be false. This specific BlueSky post is based on a website that is known for creating satire news. According to AP News, "A years-old fake story about Michelle Obama’s mother and her will previously appeared on a blog with the disclaimer 'Everything on this website is fiction.'" While the claim of Michelle being a man is false there are other things wrong as well that can prove this claim wrong. In the provided article they provide the incorrect name for Michelle's mother's name: a clear sign that something is not right.


by Novice (990 points)
0 0
This factcheck goes well into detail to explain how and why the original claim is false. Citing AP news was a pivotal part of your argument, and it gives your words a strong backing.
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by Novice (990 points)

The article used in this claim comes from a subsidiary that produces solely fake media on a "network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery". They create sensational and misleading headlines to emphasize satirical content. The site, which is part of a larger satirical network, aims to combine partisan news and parody. This can often lead to news headlines being seen as factual.

This claim is false.

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ago by Newbie (340 points)
This is false. It was made up on a satirical website called ObamaWatcher.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This claim is false based on the lack of concrete evidence, and more importantly, the source the claim is derived from. The claim was drawn from the website Obama Watcher who is owned by a network that is known for spreading rumors and misinformation. The website link is also a cue that this story was not meant to be taken seriously ("even-as-a-man-shes-prettier-than-you-meemaw/"). The owner of Obama Watcher, America's Last Line of Defense posts stories based on humorous rumors or attention grabbing misinformation. Also, an article by PolitiFact debunked the rumor, discussing how multiple fact checkers had ruled the claim out as misinformation. This highlights the importance of being able to effectively evaluate the reliability of a source.




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• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.