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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.5k points)
I saw on Instagram that Red numbers on the back of U.S. social security cards indicate the number of a person’s body or “stock”. Are we actually all numbered like that?

1 Answer

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by Master (4.5k points)
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Best answer

This is not true. The Red fluorescent nine-digit alphanumeric number on the back of social security cards( beginning February 1996) is one of several security features that have been implemented to discourage counterfeiting. 

And a bit more detail from a speech by Donald Walton, a U.S. bankruptcy trustee, on eight “key signs that can identify a subject social security card as either legitimate or fraudulent.”

 Here’s #7: 7. Sequential Control Number. On the rear of a legitimate card there is a sequential control number. The control number is a combination of alpha and numeric that bears no relation to the actual social security number on the card. However, the computer records of the Social Security Administration should show a correlation between the control number and the social security number and name on the card.





by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Great job explaining why the claim is false. I like that you included a rating, two sources, and a nice write up to support your rating.

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