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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (2.0k points)
by Innovator (50.9k points)
1 0
For the future, try formatting your claim into a statement like: Claim: Joe Biden celebrated Veteran's Day by praising John Kerry. [link]

3 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Best answer
Biden did in fact speak about John Kerry and Veteran's Day at the United Nation's Climate Conference COP27 in Egypt. While he did specifically honor John Kerry, Biden began the speech by honoring Veteran's Day in it's entirety, honoring all those who actively and previously served in the US military. Starting at the time stamp around 14:00 minutes, Biden says: "Let me start by acknowledging that this day is a day of commemoration at home in the United States... America's veterans and their families, survivors, and caregivers are the spine and soul of the United States." He then follows by specifically saying that he honors ALL of those that serve, also mentioning his son who is a US Veteran. Following this statement, he then acknowledges John Kerry who according to his biography on The U.S. Department of State website, earned  three Purple Heart Medals, Silver, and Bronze Star Medals during his time in the Navy.

What is important here is context. To end it at simply saying that the only way Biden commemorated the holiday is by acknowledging Kerry would be false. Additionally, in the context of speaking at a climate summit, Biden acknowledging his U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate who is also a decorated Veteran makes sense, especially considering this followed commemoration for all those who served. So while yes, Biden did especially mention John Kerry and did not mention by name all those who served in the military, that was not the extent of his statement which you can find in the video below.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Journeyman (2.5k points)
0 0
Nice Work! You used lots of evidence to prove your claim, and your claim is clear and precise.
by Journeyman (2.5k points)
0 0
Nice job on paraphrasing and analyzing the information from the source. Your claim is very specific and precise. You also used the video as an evidence to show what Biden was discussing before, which is a good perspective.
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by Novice (660 points)
I think that is how he should honor our veterans who have served our country, and I don't think he would say anything mean about a personal friend. I just read the article, and it makes sense that he would say good things about our veterans
by Innovator (50.9k points)
1 0
I like that you shared your thoughts on this, however, for a fact-check you should also provide evidence that supports your answer, as well as sources, such as URL links to reputable media outlets. It's also best to include a rating, such as "true, not misinformation."
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
As much as I value your opinion, it is quote important to include a factual explanation alongside this for me to understand. I recommend that an answer to a question should provide evidence rather than an opinion moving forward, however that you for being honest in your thoughts!
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by Apprentice (1.4k points)

Biden did, in fact, praise Veteran John Kerry on Veterans Day. According to the NY Post, President Biden said, "I want to thank one proud American Veteran- a lifelong public servant and dear friend and literally the most decorated men to fight, special envoy for clime John Kerry." It should be noted that Biden acknowledged America's veterans and their families beforehand. So although Biden did single out John Kerry, I wouldn't exactly say that was the sole focus of his message.


by Journeyman (2.7k points)
0 0
Good work presenting the relevant information from the source in a concise manner. I like that you mention that Biden acknowledged veterans and their families before Kerry, which I would agree doesn't make Kerry the sole focus of his message.

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