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in General Factchecking by Newbie (240 points)
I found this claim on a Youtube conspiracy theory video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMapSAKvB7U. The claim is that the moon landing was actually filmed on a movie set and we actually never landed on the moon. This is due to details like a flag waving, there being no stars in the sky, and more.

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.3k points)
This claim can be refuted by NASA according to https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11.html

In this article NASA shows footage from July 20, 1969 showcasing a human stepping foot onto the moon for the very first time. It also states how, "At 10:56 p.m. EDT Armstrong is ready to plant the first human foot on another world. With more than half a billion people watching on television, he climbs down the ladder.."

While many conspiracies have been circulating around the internet about the true nature of the moon landing, it is evident that the landing did indeed happen because there is video proof and it has been documented by astronauts and scientists for many years.
by Newbie (470 points)
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While I agree that the claim about the moon landing being fake is absurd, I don't think using NASA as your source is the best way to combat this conspiracy theory. The original source is claiming that the moon landing video was filmed on a set, so the NASA footage doesn't disprove this theory. They are calling that exact video fake.
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by Novice (940 points)

The claim here is that the 1969 moon landing was actually filmed on a movie set and humans have never set foot on the moon. To start off, an important aspect of any research supporting a claim is the source from which you're gathering information. Though there are many articles published arguing whether or not it was real, the source up above is from a Youtuber, Shane Dawson, who is known to believe in outlandish theories that have consistently been proven wrong (such as Dawson believing that 9/11 was an "inside job"). Agreeing with his claims versus, say, NASA, a universally recognized and respected scientific center for space exploration, diminishes the claim before it's even unpacked. But, let's dive into why the moon landing is real, backed up by actual scientific proof. The main three points that are constantly used as evidence are the shadows being "off", the lack of stars in the sky, and the American flag waving as though there was wind present. Loads of articles "debunk" these claims but I focused on the findings from this one from Royal Museums Greenwich. The first piece of evidence is that the shadows are "off" or not parallel. If the Sun is the only light source, then shouldn't the shadows be parallel? Surely, this means that the whole scene was made in a studio, with multiple light sources generating many different shadow patterns. Not exactly. According to National Space Centre Discovery Director, Professor Anu Ojha, "...because of perspective, parallel lines appear to be non-parallel. If you are trying to reduce on to a two-dimensional plane a three-dimensional situation, you can make lines do all sorts of weird things. Artists have been using this for centuries". You can actually test this if you go outside when the Sun is low in the sky and see that the shadows aren't parallel. The second piece of evidence is the lack of stars in the sky. Shouldn't outer space be the place for stars? Especially with no clouds or atmosphere to mess with the view? Well, it was daytime on the Moon. Both the astronauts and the lunar landscape itself are brightly lit by the Sun. "If you're going to take a photo of a brightly lit scene, your camera's shutter speed needs to be fast and your aperture incredibly small. In that situation, faint objects like stars simply aren't going to show up". The final piece of evidence is that the American flag was waving when it was triumphantly placed in the Moon. There's no atmosphere on the Moon, meaning there is no wind on the moon, so this one has to be right...right? According to an article written by The Washington Post, "A horizontal rod had been inserted through a hem at the top of the flag, but the astronauts had trouble pulling the telescoping rod all the way out, leading to that rippling effect. In other words, it was an engineering blunder". To conclude, it is clear to see that all of the flashy conspiracy theories have been debunked, backed up by credible sources and concrete evidence. 

by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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I appreciate the use of multiple sources in your fact check. By proving Shane Dawson to be an unreliable source you take away the power of the claim. By adding in additional resources such as the Washington post to defend your claim that the moon landing was in fact real you add additional evidence. It is hard to differentiate between logical claims and conspiracy theories but with the use of multiple sources and reasonable questioning they are able to be debunked like so. "he second piece of evidence is the lack of stars in the sky. Shouldn't outer space be the place for stars? " This specific logical reasoning and questioning helps add additional evidence as to why the claim is a conspiracy.

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