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in General Factchecking by (190 points)
In recent years, there has been a link between social media and developing depression, especially in teens and young adults. Social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, make it easier for people to disconnect from the real world and look at the world through their phone lens. Personally, I find that when I use social media, I compare myself to people more frequently, and it oftentimes makes me overthink my own life.

22 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Studies have shown that increased social media use can contribute to depression, particularly in teens and young adults. Social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, encourage constant comparison and the desire to seek validation through likes and comments. According to Child Mind Institute, these platforms can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and loneliness, leading to a cycle of overthinking and self-criticism (Child Mind Institute, 2023). Additionally, excessive screen time can disrupt sleep and reduce face-to-face interactions, which are important for mental well-being. This can worsen depressive symptoms and feelings of isolation.

Source: Child Mind Institute

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

hi there, 

this claim is very true. there have been many studies that have proven your point, as well as an obvious change in our society that can be seen without the internet. According to the National Library of Medicine, "There have been increases in adolescent depression and suicidal behaviour over the last two decades that coincide with the advent of social media (SM) (platforms that allow communication via digital media), which is widely used among adolescents."



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