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in General Factchecking by Novice (920 points)
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There have been many sightings throughout the years with different physical features. Are these just random mammals or is it Bigfoot?

by Master (5.5k points)
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If he is then apparently he lives at the High Cedars Golf club in Orting WA.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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@RStrauss going forward, please use the "answer" button to fact-check a claim rather than comment. By doing so, your fact-checks can be upvoted and selected as the best answer. In addition, when conducting a strong fact-check, please include a clear explanation, source link(s), and a rating. See the sidebar of this page for more information.

5 Answers

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by Novice (540 points)
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Best answer
The phenomenon of Bigfoot is nothing new, however these sightings have never been confirmed, and Bigfoot is still known today as a legend. Even before Bigfoot, there have been many similar legends, such as Sasquatches. However, Sasquatch sightings were confirmed to be misleading, as Ray Wallace admitted to having created the prank in 1958. However, this was not revealed until he was on his deathbed in 2002.

According to Ben Crair, a science and travel writer for the New Yorker, the legend of Bigfoot is a false one, however, Bigfoot lives on and will continue to live on throughout the internet. Bigfoot's appeal to the general audience is from how the creature embodies American traits, and it lets the public believe in something that does not exist.

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by Novice (600 points)
There has been as many as 100,000 Big Foot sightings in the United States reported by Life Science as of 2019. This, however, was never proven being to be true. There is no human recollection of these events.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Interesting information and statistics. However, when conducting a strong fact-check, please include a clear explanation, source link(s), and a rating. See the sidebar of this page for more information.
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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

This is not true. Big Foot is a legend that has been around for many years, however, it has never been proven to be real. People have made sightings of Big Foot, but these haven been proven to be false. The article I found stated "still the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence either" (smithsonianmag). 


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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

Recently, footage of a potential Bigfoot sighting has been uploaded as "new footage" on Tiktok- https://www.tiktok.com/@the_paranormal_chic/video/7183887199186717995?is_from_webapp=v1 

However, it was later revealed that the video was not recorded in 2023. The sighting was recorded in January 2020, which the Washington State Department of Transporation posted, claiming they're "not superstitious... just a little stitious"-https://twitter.com/WSDOT_East/status/1220090003805442048

Despite the footage, MSN confirmed the footage was from a cardboard cutout used to amuse passersby.


Several sources have posted "convincing sightings," but none have been confirmed.

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by Newbie (300 points)

This source is really interesting, while it does provide a very fun and interactive overview of many documented alleged bigfoot sightings, this doesn’t serve as direct proof of his existence; rather the pervasiveness and the geographic expanse of the folklore surrounding him and those who have claimed to have seen him.

Evidence of seeing a bigfoot / sasquatch like creature has been around since pre colonial times. Like the Sasq’ets; a hairy shape-shifting figure from local Sts’ailes culture; and yet, as the Washington State National Guard website puts it “the debate and research continue” with lack of undeniable proof just yet. 




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