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in General Factchecking by Newbie (250 points)
Service animals have been a fairly new concept. There are so many amazing benefits for your mental health to have one. For one, they help produce neurotransmitters into the brain which can help improve your mood a d over all well being. They can be very helpful for specific things such as depression because they will fulfill your feelings of sadness and loneliness. They can ease feelings of anxiety and let out "Feel good" endorphins into your brain thus taking away stress.

4 Answers

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by Novice (520 points)
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Best answer
Emotional support animals are extremely beneficial for people in many ways. They benefit ones mental and physical health. Emotional support animals provide comfort for people and aid them with their physical or mental illness. They also provide emotional encouragement for their owners on a daily basis. Also, they help people produce neurotransmitters that increase emotions of happiness. Emotional support animals also work in conjunction with other forms of treatment with mental illness. They calm peoples' anxiety and lesser depressive moods.

by Genius (47.3k points)
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Great work on your fact-check. You included a solid source as well as a detailed explanation. Well done! Going forward, please add a rating to your fact-checks (see the sidebar of this page for more information).
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by (180 points)
True! Emotional support animals are extremely helpful to humans. From my own testimony, my emotional support dog has helped ease stress and anxiety that I feel on a daily basis. They help in more ways than we know, and we are also beneficial to them too!
by Genius (47.3k points)
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Good job adding personal experience to your fact-check. Given that this claim has plenty of research and information surrounding it, you could dig deeper and provide source links too. See the sidebar of this page for more information on how to put together strong fact-checks.
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by Apprentice (1.4k points)

The claim that emotional support animals are beneficial is true; in fact, they can reduce stress, increase physical activity, and help one's mental health. I have seen this as a true claim in my own life where my dog has played an important role in aiding my mental health. On the other hand, studies have shown that emotional support animals help lower blood pressure, triglyceride levels, and cholesterol levels. They have also proven beneficial for weight loss as they have a direct relationship with increasing physical activity. In sum, emotional support animals can be a way for individuals struggling with mental health to see increased benefits.


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by Newbie (340 points)
Emotional support dogs are more than beneficial to people. Emotional support dogs not only aid individuals with certain tasks that they may find difficult, but they also give individuals the confidence that they need to live their life to the fullest. These dogs have are extremely confident animals and are never afraid to lead their owners through overwhelming situations. Along with giving individuals confidence, service dogs are also able to alert owners or bystanders of serious situations. From diabetic emergencies, to seizures, to anxiety attacks, these dogs can call for help when their owner is unable to call for help themselves. These service dogs are not just beneficial, but life-saving.


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