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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.1k points)
Claim: There were real “Men in Black,” and that some were alien hybrids, not humans.

Source: John Spencer // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V4D9VsoB-E

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

The movie "Men in Black" is based on the comic books written by Lowell Cunningham in the early 1990s. However, the comedy aspect of the movie franchise is more closely aligned with the popular culture portrayal of the characters. In the original comics, the agents witnessed murders and no comedy is involved. The movie's heroes are often confused and associated with a group of individuals who believe in aliens and UFOs. Men in black became more prominent in pop culture after Gary Barker released his book, "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers" in 1956. The tales of the book coincided with the infamous "Roswell Incident" In New Mexico. Those MIB agents would study UFOs and threaten witnesses to remain silent about their findings. These stories combined with the iconic all-black suits, typically associated with government workers, led many to believe that the Men in Black portrayed in the films and comics were based on real events and even alien hybrids. However, there is no evidence to support these ideas, besides these coincidental associations people have created.


by Innovator (51.1k points)
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Good job explaining the roots of the Men in Black movie origins and discussing whether Men in Black are a real phenomenon. Don't forget to add a rating next time that supports your fact-check (true, false, exaggerated/misleading, opinion, etc.)

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