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in General Factchecking by Novice (840 points) 1 flag
This claim is correct based on what the New York Times said about how "More people claim that their pets - weather dogs, ducks, peacocks, pigs, or alligators - are emotional support animals who help them deal with anxiety and depression and must stay with them in places where they would ordinarily be barred". This article explains the benefits of emotional support animals for people that they interviewed specifically and their experiences with animals helping them with their mental health. This claim is not misinformation and is backed up by the reliable source of the New York Times.

12 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Best answer

Emotional support dogs are great for individuals who struggle with mental health. Not only do dogs provide a sense of comfort, but it is also scientifically proven. As highlighted by the John Hopkins Medicine Organization in their article, "The Friend Who Keeps You Young," interacting with animals can have a significant impact on reducing stress levels. Cortisol, the stress hormone, can cause several physical and mental health issues. When we interact with dogs, however, our cortisol levels decrease and blood pressure stabilizes. This shows that petting a dog or even just being in their presence can have a calming effect on our bodies. 

A study from Washington State University further supports this. This study was conducted on college students who reported moderate to high levels of stress. Half of the participants interacted with pets, while the others either waited or watched visuals of animals. The results showed that students who directly interacted with the pets showed a significant decrease in cortisol levels in their saliva after the interaction. This clearly shows the mental health benefits of one being around animals. As a result, whether you're struggling with any mental health issue, having an emotional support dog around can be extremely helpful! 



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by Novice (840 points)
The main goal of emotional support animals is to assist people who deal with mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. Pets are used to "provide a comforting presence" and it is scientifically proven that animals are capable of increasing a person's happiness. The article provided lists a few of the mental disorders that benefit from emotional support animals, and includes scientific journals that has evidence of their benefits.

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by Novice (960 points)

Based on a variety of sources, specifically, ncbi and advantagecaretc, this claim stating that emotional support animals can lead to multiple mental health benefits can be deemed correct. According to the mentioned articles, emotional support animals provide therapeutic functions. There are many pros and cons to anything done in life including such a decision, but the overall effect of having a support animal is an enduring pet to human relationship. An emotional support animal is researched to be similar to a service animal, playing the role of a "supplement to traditional mental and behavioral health treatments", as stated by advantagecaredtc.org/emotional-support-animals/. 

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
Normally, when someone sees a dog, they get a rush of dopamine. According to "Pets and Wellbeing: 15 Benefits gf Emotional Support Animals", "The pet human relationship provides emotional support that directly benefits human health and wellbeing". It is shown that interacting with them not only benefits emotional health and lessens the sense of loneliness but also social health.

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by Novice (680 points)

Yes, this study reviewed the evidence related to the role and utility of pet ownership for people living with a mental health condition. The review suggested that pets provide benefits to those with mental health conditions, particularly in times of crisis, finding that pets contributed to the work associated with managing a mental health condition; however, the negative aspects of pet ownership were also highlighted. Overall, while the study did not specifically mention emotional support animals, it does suggest that pets, in general, can provide benefits to those with mental health conditions, but further analytical research is necessary.


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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
Emotional support animals are different from service animals in the sense that they are not trained to do anything other than to be there for their owners. There are many benefits to emotional support animals and they can be used as therapy in conjunctions with other forms of treatment to mental health issues. According to the Kentucky Counseling Center, some of the benefits to emotional support animals include, but are not limited to, providing mental and emotional encouragement, help produce neurotransmitters, help stabilize intense emotions, and provide social support. They also state that emotional support animals can be beneficial to anyone, regardless of your mental state.

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by Novice (700 points)
I have found that multiple articles support this claim, specifically https://kentuckycounselingcenter.com/mental-health-benefits-of-emotional-support-animals/, listing several benefits of emotional support animals. The article even says that licensed health professionals are recognizing the benefits of animals to help with mental illness.
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by Apprentice (1.1k points)

This is true. Emotional support animals can play a major role in a person's mental health. Animals can decrease stress and loneliness and have even been proven to help with depression. People over the age of 65 with an emotional support animals visit the doctor 30% less often than those who are without an animal.

There is also ample evidence proving animals in general improve our mood and immune system. 

Pets & Wellbeing: 15 Benefits of Emotional Support Animals (positivepsychology.com)

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by Novice (640 points)

This is scientifically proven, in that "During tough times, emotional support animals can help individuals stabilize intense emotions." Many will even argue that they are happier knowing that they can come home to their animals after a long day. Emotional support animals have become widely popular in their ability to comfort someone in distress and even help with severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, ptsd, and are used famously for their healing capabilities. Dogs, especially have been well-known to help many who struggle with mental illness become a happier version of themselves in knowing that they always have a companion.


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by Novice (840 points)
source: https://positivepsychology.com/pets-mental-health/#:~:text=Emotional%20support%20animals%20have%20been,attacks%2C%20anxiety%2C%20and%20depression.

According to this website, "Emotional support animals have been shown to help people manage their mental health issues, with individuals citing the benefits that their dogs, cats, and even ferrets have in managing panic attacks, anxiety and depression."

Emotional support animals are trained in many ways to help to help their handlers in a variety of ways therefore they definitely lead to benefits in mental health

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