+1 vote
in General Factchecking by Journeyman (2.5k points)

A tweet from a Twitter user claims that the air command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on the flight of "balloons with corner reflectors." The tweet includes a screenshot from what is allegedly the social media account of the air command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The screenshot referenced is in Ukrainian.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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Best answer

This claim can be proven correct through the findings in this article,  https://eurasiantimes.com/russia-is-launching-balloons-with-corner-reflectors-into-ukraine/  

In this article The EurAsian talks about how Russia sent, "..balloons with corner reflectors and an airborne reconnaissance vehicle" to Ukraine and how both were shot down by the Ukrainian army. Furthermore, the Ukrainian Air Force spokesman, Colonel Yuriy Ignat, suggested that "these reflector-equipped balloons are intended to wear down Ukraine’s air defenses". Furthermore the article also touches on the recent news of the US and Canada spotting of spy balloons and although they do not know who sent them, Russia and China are major suspects.  

All in all, this claim can be proven true through many news and media outlets. 


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