+1 vote
in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.5k points)
Too much time on social media cuts time from studying and engaging in social activities, but social media is also students main source of communication.

11 Answers

0 votes
by Novice (680 points)
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This claim is true.

As young adults spend increasingly more time online, the effects of social media are undeniable. While social media can help individuals maintain a feeling of connectedness and aid in communication, it can also be extremely distracting. Not to mention, it can negatively affect mental health and body image. It also provides a platform for bullying and hate speech and may promote unrealistic expectations. These effects are particularly concerning among impressionable young people, including college students. While disconnecting from social media is difficult, it can prove to be helpful in improving mental health and avoiding distraction.  Therefore, many college students would likely benefit from a break from social media, despite the fact that communication may become more challenging.


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