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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.2k points)
I have seen many TikToks recently that show evidence of Hailey Bieber doing many similar things as Selena Gomez. Is she copying her?

4 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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Best answer

While this very well could be true, this would be very difficult to be proven as a fact. Here are some facts about the situation:

Selena Gomez got a tattoo of the letter "G" in 2015 for her sister Gracie. 


Hailey Bieber also got a G tattoo shortly after in 2015 in honor of her pastor's daughter Georgia. 

Hailey Bieber's Tattoos: A Guide To The Model's Body Art (elle.com)

Gomez has a cosmetic line featuring many different makeups, perfumes, and skin care. Meanwhile, Bieber is still in the process of starting up her own cosmetic line.

In conclusion, it could appear that Hailey Bieber is copying Gomez, but this is not a claim that can be verified.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Nice work outlining the coincidences and explaining how the claim cannot be factually accurate based on evidence.
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by Apprentice (1.7k points)
As of right now a lot of this "Hailey copying Selena" drama is based on fans and their obsession with the past relationship between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. It's been years since the two have been in a relationship and Hailey is now married to Justin. According to ELLE magazine, the two have even talked about it. There are definitely many similarities, as one of the answers before me mentioned tattoos, and so forth. Selena and Hailey definitely have a lot of drama as of right now, and most of it is stemming from tik tok users resurfacing old videos. There is no way to prove that Hailey is copying Selena, but there are indications of similarities between the two. Let's also not forget that Hailey used to be a superfan of the old Selena and Justin couple, mainly Justin. So in the past, she may have integrated herself to become more similar to Selena, but again that is not something that can be proven true or false, because people have a right to their own body and their own choices regardless of it look similar to another's.


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Novice (860 points)

This issue seems to be a matter of speculation, not something you can really prove to be true or not. While there appear to be many incidences of Hailey copying Selena, it could also just be coincidence. Many pit the women against each other for their relationships with Justin Bieber. Some even go as far as to drag other celebrities into the mix. While the matter of copying is just opinion, Selena is currently taking a break from social media due to drama with Hailey Bieber. A video of Hailey Bieber recently resurfaced on Tik Tok where she makes a gagging face after Taylor Swift's name was mentioned. The post went viral and the poster calls Bieber a "bully" and a "mean girl" for her reaction. Gomez is a long time friend of Swift and left a comment on the video in her friend's defense, "So sorry, my best friend is and continues to be one of the best in the game." Not long after Gomez went on a Tik Tok Live to announce that she is taking a break from social media. The copying seems to be speculation but the drama between the two appears to be real. Wether or not there is actually bad blood between them is also another mystery. This article discusses more details on Gomez's social media break and also shows the Tik Tok and the livestream mentioned.


not misinformation 

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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I like the way you introduced the claim and explained how it is more of an opinion. Good write up!
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by Novice (700 points)

While it is true that Hailey Bieber has done and said similar things as Selena Gomez, there is no way to prove that she is intentionally copying Selena Gomez.

The background of the feud between Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez stems from the fact that Hailey is married to Justin Bieber, who is Selena's ex. Many fans still fantasize about Justin and Selena's relationship, which has made tensions high.

In the video "11 Times Hailey Bieber Copied Selena Gomez", they explain that one of the times Hailey "copied" Selena was by saying the same phrase as her. Selena said that the one thing she wished people could see about her was her heart, and after that, Hailey said the same phrase on The Tonight Show. 

There are other examples in this video as well; however, there is no way to prove that Hailey is copying Selena on purpose. These could all be coincidences that cannot be proven factually.


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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