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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.4k points)
According to this website, white radish can cause more and more farts. This is because when you eat radish it produces gas and bloating.

8 Answers

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by Journeyman (2.5k points)
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Best answer

I believe this claim is true. 

An article from CookingLight.com says that "It's because of a type of sugar called raffinose that's found in asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, radishes, celery, carrots, and cabbage. These veggies are also rich in soluble fiber, which doesn't break down until reaching the small intestine and can also cause gas." 


According to an article from the National Library of Medicine, "RFOs (raffinose) are indigestible and cause flatulence in humans. Expulsion of these gases causes severe abdominal discomfort such as abdominal rumblings, cramps, diarrhea, and nausea." Radishes contain a sugar called raffinose that causes symptoms of passing gas. 

National Library of Medicine

According to MedlinePlus, "Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion. This slows digestion. Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables." 


An article from MedicalNewsToday lists symptoms that may accompany with eating fiber which radishes have, "bloating, gas, feeling too full, stomach cramps, constipation or diarrhea, etc." 


Therefore this claim is true as radishes contain both soluble fiber and a sugar called raffinose that both cause bloating, and increased production of gas. Eating high amounts of radish will cause these symptoms to become more prominent.

by Genius (47.3k points)
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Great effort finding so many reputable sources that demonstrate that the claim appears to be true.
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by Novice (700 points)

This is true. According to the article, "Which Vegetables Cause The Most Gas?", "Vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green peppers, onions, radishes, celery, and carrots can cause excess gas." This is because "When we eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as broccoli and asparagus, our guts love it and they react by releasing nitrogen gas." 

The article goes on to explain that these certain vegetables (like radishes) contain a type of sugar called raffinose. It is so rich in fiber that it doesn't break down until it reaches the small intestine. This is what causes gas. 

by Genius (47.3k points)
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Great work providing an explanation with a source and relevant quote. Don't forget to quote the source within your work next time. For instance you can say "According to Cooking Light...."
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by Apprentice (1.8k points)
This is true. According to a study the National Center for Biotechnology Information, foods that are high in fiber do in fact cause gassiness.


Another source comes from Disabled World, which claims the same as above.


It is a known fact that white radishes are high in fiber. So this claim is true.
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by Apprentice (1.7k points)
Yes, eating too many white radishes can cause more farting. Radishes contain a sugar called raffinose which is a poorly digested carbohydrate, making you as a person release gas out of your system. Many vegetables contain this sugar, as well as other fibers that are harder to break down in your large intestine. Poor digestion in your body leads to a gas exchange, which means you fart more.


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by Apprentice (1.2k points)

Radishes are generally healthy and have a lot of benefits. However, in large quantities, "...a large amount of radish can irritate the digestive tract and cause flatulence and cramps." So, Eating too much white radish can actually lead to farts.


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by Novice (820 points)

This is a true statement. According to this article, "Vegetables such as beans, cabbage, cauliflower... radishes and other legumes are found to cause gas" states Disabled World. A reason for this is that radishes are high in fiber and this "can also be a cause of excessive gas formation". But it is important to keep in mind that foods can affect individuals differently. 


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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Although radishes are healthy for you, they do in fact cause gas. Certain foods, especially a number of vegetables cause people to become gassier. The way your gut functions and the way food is broken down causes this along with the nutrients and makeup of the food you are consuming. 

According to an article at Winchester Hospital "Gas is built up in the gut a number of ways. First, it is released as foods are broken done. Second, you can swallow air into your stomach. This usually causes burping. Third, some foods increase farting by providing nutrients to certain bacteria. These bacteria in the lower intestines create gas as part of their normal processes." 


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by Novice (940 points)
This is true. According to Sweetish Hill, radishes can cause upset stomachs and gas. Not only is this because radishes are high in fiber, but they also contain a sugar called raffinose. This raffinose is digested poorly, and thus leads to the production of flatulence.

by Genius (47.3k points)
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Is Sweetish Hill a reputable source? What sources did they use to explain and prove that radishes cause flatulence? If they used any, it's best to go directly to the source and use it instead of Sweetish Hill, which doesn't appear to be scientific, medical, academic, or journalistic.

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