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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.0k points)
According to breast cancer.org, "While chemicals can protect us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, research strongly suggests that at certain exposure levels, some of the chemicals in some sunscreen products may cause cancer in people." They suggest that to avoid the possibility of getting cancer from the sun or sunscreen you should wear a wide-brim hat, long sleeves, and pants.
by Newbie (440 points)
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I dont think that sunscreen causes cancers, in fact, it plays a crucial role in preventing skin cancer by protecting the skin from harmful UV radiation. While some ingredients in sunscreens have been studied for potential side effects, the current consensus is that the benefits of sunscreen outweigh any possible risks.

23 Answers

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by Newbie (410 points)
After reading the article provided, this claim can be considered misleading or exaggerated. Below the title of the article on the website it explicitly says, " There's no evidence that sunscreen increases your risk of breast cancer, but not using sunscreen does increase your risk of skin cancer." Below that it states, " There have been concerns in recent years about sunscreen itself causing cancer, But there's no clear evidence that using sunscreen increases your risk of breast cancer- or any cancer." The article specifically says that there is nothing to prove that sunscreen directly causes cancer. Although this is stated, the article does go on to explain why it could potentially cause cancer, like the benzene chemical being absorbed into the skin and passing through the bloodstream in certain sunscreens. To avoid that, it is suggested to use more mineral based sunscreens that contain ingredients like zinc, that do not absorb into the skin.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (280 points)

Sunscreen does not cause cancer. There have been misleading studies stating that it does but there has been no medical evidence that it does. Some sunscreen has been recalled before for containing harmful chemicals but that is the specific chemical in the product itself not sunscreen.

The science of sunscreen - Harvard Health

9 sunscreen myths debunked | MD Anderson Cancer Center 

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by Newbie (300 points)
There's no true evidence on sunscreen directly causing skin cancer, but according to Yale medicine theres a few cancer causing chemicals in the ingredients of sun screen. This shows that there's everyday items we use that contains cancerous chemicals, and this also doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get cancer from using sunscreen.

You can read more from the University of Yale Medicine

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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