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in General Factchecking by Master (5.5k points)
Twitter video showing an organization dedicated to making robot flies to land on politicians during important interviews to distract audience from their message.

3 Answers

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by Journeyman (2.9k points)
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Best answer

This claim is false. Unfortunately, as funny as it would be the fly that landed on Pence's head during the political debate was a real fly, not a robot fly. While there are companies that make this kind of technology, it is not typically used to distract watchers from the words of politicians. A viral prankster was found joking about this robot, but this was discovered to be just a joke. Oregonlive stated "To be super-clear here, this is a joke. The fly that landed on Pence’s head during the debate was real, and it did so for its own mysterious reasons." This robot fly was just a joke from a prankster.


by Innovator (51.8k points)
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The rating says "true" - which is by mistake I imagine. Good work providing background context.
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by Newbie (470 points)

The claim is false. While the video is semi-convincing to someone not paying much attention, the goal of the video is satire. The video was posted on whoisthebaldguy's Twitter account. whoisthebaldguy is a viral video marketing agency that has droves of satire, prank, and reaction videos.


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by Novice (960 points)
This claim is false. The account that posted this believable video is known for creating false videos in the form of comedy or entertainment.

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