+3 votes
in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.4k points)
According to the link, cats know their names. The reason why sometimes cats are ignoring people is because they are more independent than dogs, and they don't feel like they have to respond to people all the time.

18 Answers

+2 votes
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
This is true, cats can recognize their own names. The lead author of a study is a behavioral scientist named Atsuko Saito from Sophia University in Tokyo, whose prior research demonstrated that cats can recognize their owners' voices. Due to this ability, they understand the pattern of noise from their owners voice that is their name.

Source: https://www.thesprucepets.com/do-cats-know-their-own-names-5248824#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20study1,can%20recognize%20their%20owners%27%20voices.
by Genius (41.3k points)
Going forward, it's best to dig deeper and find a source that is not within the claim.
by Novice (590 points)
Yeah I think your link is useful
+2 votes
by Novice (660 points)

In this research published by Scientific Reports in 2019, researchers found that cats can recognize their names. The cats from the research were able to recognize their name when a stranger spoke. The researchers mentioned how there is a possibility that cats associate the sound of their name with a reward. The idea of whether cats know their name, is who they are like humans do, is up in the air. 

In the article by Scientific America, John Bradshaw – a biologist – talks about the need for more research into the topic.  

No available information
by Genius (41.3k points)
I found your fact-check a bit contradictory or maybe I didn't understand it. So you say that researchers found that cats recognize their names, but that it's up in the air and needs research. A bit confusing, but I think you're ultimate rating is that there's not enough information on the matter.
+2 votes
by Newbie (380 points)

Yes, cats do know their own names. According to an article published by Readers Digest, "A 2019 study found that cats respond more to the sound of their own names than any other words." In this study, they called the cats 4 different names in the same way they would say it's name. When they did say it's actual name, the cat would move its head and ears, indicating it knew it's name was being called. Here is the article: https://www.rd.com/article/do-cats-know-their-names/

The main reason people may think cats don't know their names is that they choose not to respond to them. The article also mentioned that in a study, 15 out of 20 cats only reacted to their names being called when it was their owner. That being said, the cats recognized their names being called, but are selective in who they reacted to. 

One source I have in real life is my friend Lilly, who has had 5 pet cats in her life. When asking her if her cats knew their names, she stated that the older cats she had acted like they knew their names, but the newer kittens do not yet. So in her experience, it takes time for the cats to learn their names. 


by Novice (590 points)
Yeah I think your check is good for me to understand
+1 vote
by Apprentice (1.5k points)
Yes, cats are able to recognize their names. In a 2019 study published in Scientific Reports, researchers concluded that "cats habituated to the serial presentation of four different general nouns or four names of cohabiting cats showed a significant rebound in response to the subsequent presentation of their own names." However it is important to point out that in instances where cats cohabited with other cats such as in cat cafés, "café cats did not discriminate their own names from other cohabiting cats’ names." This indicates that while cats may not have an understanding of their name on the same level humans do, "cats can discriminate the content of human utterances based on phonemic differences." This statement is not misinformation.


Scientific Reports research: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-40616-4
0 votes
by Novice (590 points)

Yes, cats can learn and recognize their names. While cats may not respond to their names as consistently as dogs do, they can be trained to recognize their names through positive reinforcement and repetition. Cats are known to be attentive to the sounds and tones of their names, and they may respond by looking at their owners, meowing, or moving towards them. However, cats are also independent animals, so their responses to their names may vary depending on their mood and level of interest in the situation. Overall, while cats may not always acknowledge their names like dogs do, they can indeed learn and recognize them to some extent.

And here is the link: https://www.science.org/content/article/does-your-cat-know-its-name-here-s-how-find-out

0 votes
by Novice (560 points)
Cats know and react to their names. In addition, cats will also know and learn the names of objects around them.

0 votes
by Newbie (400 points)

Based on a research from Scientific Reports it is demonstrated that cats do recognize their own names. During the research, they were able to find that cats are able to respond to human facial expression and can distinguish between different human voices. Although they did find that cats from Cat cafe can identify with their name much better than cats that live at home as the cats on the cat cafe could think of it as a positive reinforcement as more people are visiting them.

Cats recognize their own names

0 votes
by Novice (860 points)

True, cats do know their names! https://www.thesprucepets.com/do-cats-know-their-own-names5248824#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20study1,can%20recognize%20their%20owners'%20voices.

According to an article by sprucepets, cats are able to recognize their names! A study done in 2019 in a lab in Tokyo. 78 cats were called their names by strangers, while the responsiveness of a dog was not the same as a cat, brain activity indicated that cats knew their name was being called and decided not to answer. Whats even more impressive is that cats can distinguish their owners voice as well!

According to a study1 published in 2019 in the journal Scientific Reports, cats do, in fact, recognize their own names. The lead author of the study is a behavioral scientist named Atsuko Saito from Sophia University in Tokyo, whose prior research2 demonstrated that cats can recognize their owners’ voices.


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