+2 votes
in General Factchecking by Novice (840 points)

This claim is correct based on the Scientific American that states, “Cats are just as good as dogs at learning,” Bradshaw says. “They’re just not as keen to show their owners what they’ve learned.” This article discusses how cats do know their name and can recognize it from different voices, but sometimes choose to ignore it. There has been some studies to show that cats know their names, but this article says the evidence might not be fully accurate and may have its faults. This claim is not misinformation and is correct based on the credible source of the Scientific American. 

14 Answers

+1 vote
by Novice (640 points)
According to an article from the website , Spruce Pets, " cats do in fact recognize their own names. This was reported by Atsuko Saito from Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.
by Genius (42.2k points)
Don't forget to add hyperlinks to your sources going forward.
+1 vote
by Novice (820 points)
According to the article, "Do Cats Know their Own Names" by The Spruce Pets, studies show that cats are able to recognize their own names. A study was performed where it was tested if cats would respond to their names when said aloud. This study proved the hypothesis to be true. Despite this, some cats still do not respond to a human when their name is called, but that is due to their instincts. Cats are not trained to respond when their name is called.

Source: https://www.thesprucepets.com/do-cats-know-their-own-names-5248824#:~:text=Unlike%20dogs%2C%20cats%20are%20not,fact%2C%20recognize%20their%20own%20names.
+1 vote
by Newbie (460 points)


Yes, cats do recognize their own name, they simply just don't act us excited or motivated when they hear someone say it. "Atsuko Saito, a behavioral scientist now at Sophia University in Tokyo, previously showed that cats can recognize their owner’s voice." She determined these results by doing multiple tests with a large group of cats.  

While its easier to see a do react when his or her own name is called, cats mentally are reacting as well.

by Genius (42.2k points)
Going forward, it's best to use a source that isn't within the claim (re: scientificamerican.com).
0 votes
by Novice (740 points)
This is true! Cats do know their own names. This research by Scientific Reports explains how cats not only recognize their names when their human owners say it but when strangers say it too.


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