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in General Factchecking by Master (4.5k points)
A parking garage has collapsed in Lower Manhattan, #NYC. There are injuries. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/lower-manhattan-parking-garage-collapse/

6 Answers

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by Journeyman (2.5k points)
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Best answer

This claim is true. The parking garage collapsed on Tuesday afternoon, leaving one person dead and five with injuries. One is in serious condition. The collapse is believed to be a structural collapse. The FDNY used a robotic dog and drones to search the building for people inside because of how unstable it was. 

According to CBS, the four-story building had 4 open violations, they claim the Department of Buildings said. However, CNN claims that there were no open violations nor active complaints about the building prior to its collapse, which they claim New York Mayor Eric Adams said. Whether there were active violations or not, it's too early to say whether any of them contributed to the collapse.


1 dead in collapsed parking garage in lower Manhattan, NYC official says

LOCAL NEWS NYC parking garage that collapsed in Lower Manhattan had 4 open violations, Department of Buildings says

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by Novice (820 points)

This statement is true because as stated by Ed Shanahan in the article "One Dead In Parking Garage Collapse in Lower Manhattan,"A parking garage on Ann Street in Lower Manhattan collapsed on Tuesday afternoon, killing one person and injuring five others, officials said." There are also many other news outlets that say the same thing which adds on to the credibility of this statement. 


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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
This is true! The garage "pancaked all the way to the to the cellar floor" according to the New York Building Actors Commissioner said

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by Apprentice (1.6k points)

This claim is true. According to NBC news on Tuesday, a parking garage in the financial district of NYC had its second floor collapse on to the first floor. Subsequently the top floor then began to crumble down into the cellar, creating a pancake collapse. This resulted in the death of 1 person and injuring 5 others. It is reported by the New York Department of Buildings that the parking garage had 4 open violations prior to the collapse. "An investigation into the collapse is ongoing, officials said."


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by Journeyman (2.2k points)

This is a true claim. The collapsed parking garage was named the Ann Street garage and was constructed in 1925. NPR reports that the collapse resulted in "killing one worker, injuring five and crushing cars as concrete floors fell on top of each other." NPR also states that "it wasn't immediately clear what caused the collapse."

1 person is dead after a parking garage collapses in New York City : NPR

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by Apprentice (1.5k points)

The claim is true. Numerous news sites report of this. The article below states that "City officials believe weight of the cars and the age of the building may have played a role in this collapse." One person was found dead from the collapse, several people were injured, and many of the cars in the structure were crushed by the collapse.



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