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in General Factchecking by

According to state of global air, "Exposure to Air Pollution Reduces Life Expectancy. Current levels of air pollution have reduced life expectancy by 1 year and 8 months on average worldwide." So is air pollution true causing a shortened life span or are other lifestyle factors causing it as well?

22 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.9k points)
Yes, air pollution can shorten human life expectancy. According to stateofglobalair.org, air pollution is the 4th leading cause of death worldwide. According to cnbc.com, it can take two years off the average life span. So yes, air pollution does take a toll on human life span and can effect how long we live.


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by Newbie (320 points)

According to the State of Global Air's article, air pollution is in fact reducing life expectancy. The article states "Many factors can lead to poor health and can reduce life expectancy; air pollution is one of them. Currently, air pollution is the 4th leading cause of death globally, accounting for nearly 7 million deaths". Air pollution is a current and uprising problem in our world and it has been proven through many studies that air quality affects our health. 

In Air Quality's Life Index's story titled The Link Between Air Quality and Your Longevity, the author speaks on how many studies have shown that air pollution instill long term health problems on humans. The text says "A growing body of research suggests the effects can last longer, too, potentially shortening lifespans and raising our risk for dementia and other conditions", which assures the author's point in specific long term conditions caused from the air pollution and their severity which could lead to death. This article is able to support the claim that in fact air pollution then leading to health problems and long term life threatening conditions can shorten your lifespan. 



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