Microwaves do not cause cancer. The statement the writer makes says just that, very bluntly and very direct. They provided a link to very well health, which on the page says that it's medically reviewed by Benjamin Leach. The title of the article itself reads, "Can microwaves cause cancer?" So, what the author of the news detective claim states, is that what they found from the article agrees that cancer cannot be caused by microwaves. Knowing this, I began finding important pieces of information from the article that helped me support that claim. In the first sentence, the article states that there isn't any actual evidence that there are cancer risks that come with being around microwaves and the radiation caused by them.This raditaion, according to very well health, is called low-frequency radiation and also non- ionizing. Because of this, it's nearly impossible to get cancer soley based off of the usage of a microwave. The article states that the radiation known to be associated with cancer is in fact ionizing, known to be associated with X-rays, ultraviolet light, etc. The idea between the radition used to heat food and the radition involved with the possibility of cancer hasn't been transparent, and therefore why so many people believe this myth. However, the article also mentions how there's a possibility to recieve cancer over time indirectly from a microwave. Some possibilites of this, according to very well health, may be microwaving food in a plastic/ not microwave safe container and consuming it. However, the conclusion I came up with is that the claim is in fact true, microwaves themselves do not cause cancer. Cancer can be caused indirectly depending on how one chooses to use their microwave/ consume food.
Another exmple I have to support this evidence is from AOI (the American Oncology Institute). Known as a cancer care and treatment center, the AOI clarifies that cancer caused by microwave radiation is in fact a myth. They state, "There is no concrete evidence suggesting that microwaves from the appliances that we use to heat our food can cause cancer." I believe it's also significant to take under consideration the fact that the AOI is a cancer treatment center, meaning that they're experts in their field and know to tell the difference betwen myth and truth.